
This is the new and improved blog section of the Stafford Acrobatic Gymnastics and Tramploining Club website.

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Monday, 24 December 2007

Major Website Update

Hi - Christmas Eve.

I've just uploaded a substantial update to the Stafford Gym Club website, including a new menu/ navigation system running in JavaScript which ought to be more intuitive than the old hotchpotch. There's new content too: pictures and video from competitions in November and the Christmas 'Pirates' display from a couple of weeks ago.

The videos are both of Grade 2 Trios, who gained Silver and Gold in the recent West Midland competition at Wood Green.

Since last year the Club has undergone a few major changes. The High Level (Grade 4) competitors have left us, either through injury, retirement or having been poached by another club (on which subject I shall probably have more to say in due course).

Our ace Tops of last year, Daisy Dailly and Emily Kolk, are both now basing. For Daisy it's definitely a permanent shift, and she finds herself now Middling a rather good-looking Trio at Grade 2 with Rosie Darby & Lauren Jones. They hope to push that to Grade 3 after this season's comps are over. Emily is still looking for a suitable Base; last year she Topped the Grade 4 Trio, which was looking great until their so-so performance in the Nationals; meanwhile she also topped Sarah M-J, standing in for Daisy who was unwell and strolled away with a win (winning, as I remember, by two clear points). Though wouldn't award it though (how about that?)

Other partnerships to watch are Chlesie Cook and Daisy Stanier paired at Grade 3; also Heather Wills and Pippa Adams, two more of the Clubs 'old campaigners' (if you can call someone that at 15) are joined by Georgia, their ex-South Staffs Top. They are looking sharp with a very nice grade 2 routine. It will be interesting to see which of these groupings is more successful: Heather, Pippa & Georgia have the advantage of age and experience; Rosie, Daisy and Lauren are young (and will be in-age for Junior competition for some time). Daisy's a very experienced Top, but is finding that Basing isn't as simple as she thought.

I'll leave you with that and some videos. Happy Christmas and a prosperous and successful New Year.


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