
This is the new and improved blog section of the Stafford Acrobatic Gymnastics and Tramploining Club website.

This a place where everybody involved with Stafford Gymnastics Club - gymnasts, coaches, parents and bewilderwed bypassers can have a bit of a say.

So don't be shy - get on your high-horse and have a rant.

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Monday, 24 December 2007

Major Website Update

Hi - Christmas Eve.

I've just uploaded a substantial update to the Stafford Gym Club website, including a new menu/ navigation system running in JavaScript which ought to be more intuitive than the old hotchpotch. There's new content too: pictures and video from competitions in November and the Christmas 'Pirates' display from a couple of weeks ago.

The videos are both of Grade 2 Trios, who gained Silver and Gold in the recent West Midland competition at Wood Green.

Since last year the Club has undergone a few major changes. The High Level (Grade 4) competitors have left us, either through injury, retirement or having been poached by another club (on which subject I shall probably have more to say in due course).

Our ace Tops of last year, Daisy Dailly and Emily Kolk, are both now basing. For Daisy it's definitely a permanent shift, and she finds herself now Middling a rather good-looking Trio at Grade 2 with Rosie Darby & Lauren Jones. They hope to push that to Grade 3 after this season's comps are over. Emily is still looking for a suitable Base; last year she Topped the Grade 4 Trio, which was looking great until their so-so performance in the Nationals; meanwhile she also topped Sarah M-J, standing in for Daisy who was unwell and strolled away with a win (winning, as I remember, by two clear points). Though wouldn't award it though (how about that?)

Other partnerships to watch are Chlesie Cook and Daisy Stanier paired at Grade 3; also Heather Wills and Pippa Adams, two more of the Clubs 'old campaigners' (if you can call someone that at 15) are joined by Georgia, their ex-South Staffs Top. They are looking sharp with a very nice grade 2 routine. It will be interesting to see which of these groupings is more successful: Heather, Pippa & Georgia have the advantage of age and experience; Rosie, Daisy and Lauren are young (and will be in-age for Junior competition for some time). Daisy's a very experienced Top, but is finding that Basing isn't as simple as she thought.

I'll leave you with that and some videos. Happy Christmas and a prosperous and successful New Year.


Saturday, 1 December 2007

Hello Again!

Well, it's been a little while, like about six months, but we're back in a new competition season.

I'm in the middle of a major website overhaul at the moment. I've just completely revamped the navigation system with a JavaScript-powered menu. During the next week or so I'll be uploading the new training and competition timetables; a review plus pics and vids from the recent WMAGA competition at the spendid Wood Green High School a couple of weeks ago and from the most recent Club Comp.

Then, in a few weeks we've got a pirate-themed Christmas display. They're currently testing face-paint. I didn't know you had to test face paint!

In the New Year, we have the Bristol Comp in Feb, preceded by (yet) another Club Competition, and the West Midlands championships are in March at Wood Green again.

All the groups have changed: some much-loved (if not exactly 'old') faces have moved on; others have come, and still others have moved around a bit.

All to come: stay plugged in.
