
This is the new and improved blog section of the Stafford Acrobatic Gymnastics and Tramploining Club website.

This a place where everybody involved with Stafford Gymnastics Club - gymnasts, coaches, parents and bewilderwed bypassers can have a bit of a say.

So don't be shy - get on your high-horse and have a rant.

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Sunday, 25 March 2007

10th March saw what, for most, is the major competition of the year, the West Midlands Regional Qualifiers. The winners in each category go through to represent the Club and the West Midlands in the Nationals.

This year it was hosted at Menzies High School by West Bromwich Gymnastics Club. Apparently, this is where they filmed the John Cleese film Clockwise back in the 1980s - though the place is looking a bit tired and worn, now.

We entered in Grade 1 and Grade 2 Women's Pairs and Women's Groups, also the Grade 4 Trio gave an exhibition performance.

Competing in Grade 1 were: Rachel Radman, Katy Metcalfe; Louise Grujich, Grace O'Connel; Ellie Grocott, Lauren Jones (pairs), and Beth Beriet, Taylor Bagguley, Natasha Challinor; Melissa Cooke, Megan Shipton, Elinor Dyke (groups).

In Grade 2 were Jess Mee, Beth Giles; Elizabeth Cheal, Gemma England; Samantha Reeves, Jodie Jeffries-Tipton, who took the Bronze medal; Jenny Wilson, Daisy Stanier, who took Gold, (pairs), and Geneveive Stevenson, Rebecca Bridge, Eleanor Spenser; Chelsie Cook, Jenny Dailly, Ellie Greensmith; Pippa Adams, Elizabeth Cheal, Eden Davies (groups).

All our competitors did themselves justice, but particular praise must go to Jenny Wilson and Daisy Stanier (pictured left), and Sam Reeves and Jodie Jeffries-Tipton, who took First and Third in Grade 2 Women's Pairs.

It was interesting to see how Chelsie Cook and Jenny Dailly would fare with their new top, Ellie Greensmith. In fact, with Jenny recovering from illness, the trio did well to gain 6th in the Grade 2 competition. Ellie is a young gymnast with potential.

There was the opportunity to meet up with old friends. As former members of Uttoxeter Gymnastics Club, it was good to see Jade Hollins and Zoe Fallows, now with City of Stoke and CHANCE, respectively.

Rosie Robinson appeared basing a Grade 1 pair for South Staffs - having joined them from Stafford a scant few weeks ago - and won! Way to go!

The Grade 4 trio of Lauren Baines, Abbie Callow and Emily Kolk wasn't competing, as such. At Grade 4, there is no need to qualify for the Nationals. However, their routines were spectatular - and several images of both are available on the Acro-Gallery section of the site.

So, the following groups will be going to the Nationals: Jenny Wilson & Daisy Stanier in Grade 2, and Lauren Baines, Abbie Callow and Emily Kolk in Grade 4, and also Sarah Mander-James and Daisy Dailly in Grade 4, which will be their first outing together since they won Silver together at Grade 2 in last year's regionals.

Welcome back

This is a little different - but not that much.

We decided to start a new blog page - the old one was great, but perhaps lacking a bit of balance. Here we want to focus on celebrating what our gymnasts are doing rather than launching incendiaries at numpties in the Borough Administration. (Hopefully, that will no longer be necessary - but just in case it is - ssh! - the old blog is still open.)